Over 15 years of experience in consultancy, training and research in public sector audit management, risk management, public sector financial management and entrpreneurial education.
I have worked as an Associate Director of Community Engagement and Coordinator of Short courses and Consultancy at Mzumbe University.
I have participated in consulting assignments in public sector audit and governance with clients and firms like GIZ, JICA, UNDP, and Ministries in the Government of Tanzania.
I have developed Government guidelines and process manuals in risk management, internal audit process for MDAs and LGAs, internal controls, fraud risk, disaster recovery and continuity plans.
More about him:Linkedin
Links to publication on sites: Google Scholar || Research Gate
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Dr. Eliaza Mkuna is holding a PhD in Agricultural Economics from the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), South Africa., MSc. in Agricultural and Applied Economics from Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in Tanzania and specialization from University of Pretoria (UP), South Africa and Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of Dodoma Tanzania. Currently is working in the position of Lecturer in Economics at Mzumbe University-Tanzania, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Economics. Also apart from being a Lecturer, he is also a Coordinator and Head of Department of Outreach, Marketing and Collaborations at the University. Before joining the University he worked as Research Associate (Agricultural Economics) at AVRDC-The World Vegetable Center, Eastern and Southern Africa. His areas of interest include agricultural policy analysis, Natural resources Economics, Project Management, monitoring and evaluation, farming systems, and value chains development. Prior to joining AVRDC, Dr. Eliaza also researched on non-tariff barriers and agribusiness SME cross-border trade in East Africa through the African Agribusiness Academy (AAA) and the University of Wageningen, The Netherlands. Moreover, Dr. Eliaza recently has been working with different local and international organizations in a number of projects, research, consultancies and collaborations such as Agricultural Non-State Actors Forum (ANSAF), National Board of Accountancy and Auditors (NBAA), Tanzania Commission for Universities, Research on Poverty Alleviation (REPOA) and The Tax Justice Network-Africa (Nairobi) to mention few.
He has published widely in the areas of Agricultural Policy, trade, agribusiness, natural resources and Development Economics and has attended several international and local conferences on African continent development Agenda. His recent research articles appear in Lakes & Reservoirs: Science, Policy and Management for Sustainable Use (Wiley), Hydrobiologia (Springer), African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development (Taylor and Francis) and AFRIKA FOCUS (Ghent University).
More About Dr Eliaza Mkuna: Linkedin
Links to Publications: Research Gate || Google Scholar

Head-Short-course and Consultancy Unit
Dr. Mofulu holds 14 years in consulting, training, and researching in strategic management, marketing, business management, and entrepreneurship. He is a member of academic staff in the Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship, School of Business. He holds a PhD in Enterprise Management from Dalian University of Technology, China, Masters in Entrepreneurship and a Bachelor of Business Administration, majoring in marketing both from Mzumbe University. In the past ten years, he has conducted short-courses in the areas of customer care, recognition and exploitation of business opportunities, quality assurance, and formulation and implementation of business strategies. Similarly, he has conducted consultancies on development of business plans and strategic plans as well as undertaking organizational analysis performance and scoping studies in the extractive industries.
More About Dr George Mofulu: Linkedin
Links to Publications: Research Gate || Google Scholar

Head-Teaching Skills and Distance Learning Dept.
Brief Description comes here
More about him:Linkedin
Links to publication on sites: Research Gate